Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gardening is done!

Finally, finally, finally! I got those plants in the ground that I bought last Thanksgiving! It didn't look like I had that many but when all was said and done, 96 pots were emptied.

I was sitting in my sewing room (also the computer room) enjoying my accomplishment when out of the ground popped a grrrrr...ound squirrel! Yes, he was so excited at all the new plants to eat! Couldn't stand watching him so I made up a bait trap and put it next to his hole in the ground (under my driveaway no less!). Well, haven't noticed if he's partaken of any of the bait cause I went and took a nice LONG nap. :-) I was pooped...still sick and all. Bait is from the County Ag Dept and does not have a secondary kill effect like some poisons (won't kill an animal that may eat the poisoned squirrel). It's expensive but that's why I use it.

Here's my bait trap...bait is in the center. Squirrels, rats, mice can get in, eat their fill then go away and die. Birds and larger animals can't. Ingenious! You can see some of the newly planted flowers too...daylilies, agapanthas, lavender, star jasmine, blue statice, and sea holly amongst others. I staked the trap so it wouldn't slide down the hill.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see your handy work when I visit you next. Doesn't look much like a trap...more like a remote control airplane. You need to get some free mulch from the landfill. Now who has a truck? Sorry about your auto troubles.
