Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well the weatherman was right, it did indeed snow in Ramona last night! We got nearly 2" on the ground waking up to a rare winter wonderland. Take a look:

6:30 in the morning, sun is not up yet.

Small tree outside my bedroom...view from the window

Rosemary covered in snow

Owl nest box with a dusting

Side yard with newly planted lilac and society garlic

Pink iris in a frozen pond

Iced driveway

Sun is up, around 7:30am.

Car's not going anywhere for a bit...not sure it would make it up the icy driveway.

Palomar Mountain View Rd looking towards Palomar Mountain.

While playing on the road I built this little, and I do mean little snowman...had to it's tradition!

The snow melted by noon. It was pretty listening to it melt off the trees and roof, raining down on the ground.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snow in Ramona!

Break out the winter thermals! Stack up the firewood, cover the citrus trees, stock up the shelves and hunker down! It's going to snow in Ramona this weekend! Yeah!!!! Can't wait!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The goat

Oh Delphi, Delphi, Delphi...what am I going to do with you?

My sister just called and said the neighbor's goat, Delphi is in my yard eating my newly planted plants...even pulled a couple that I just planted out of the ground. Love that goat but something needs to change. I've tried to hint at tying the gate shut instead of just using the latch. She knows how to butt the latch open. Suggested it twice to the neighbors to no avail...hmmm

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Sister's visit

My sis came down from NoCal on Sunday for her belated birthday. We went to Bob's for a BBQ and presents. It was a nice visit.

Monday I worked so Sandy went to visit Bob again.

Tuesday after work we went to Mom and Dad's to take them belated roses and strawberry covered chocolates for Valentines. We played 2 games of pinochle. The first game Sandy and Dad whipped our butts. Next Game Mom and I cleaned house. We had a great time.

Wednesday I took the day off to play with Sandy. Day started off with a roaring fire on a wet foggy morning. Sweet! Good cup of Sumatra coffee and a good book on the couch, heaven. In the afternoon we went 'girl-shopping' at Home Goods, Tues Morn, and Ross. Actually didn't buy anything! I was amazed.
For dinner tonight I'm making Chez Panisse's Goat Cheese Calzone with Prochutto. Yum!

Tomorrow it's back to work for me. We are having dinner at the folks, Avogolemno, a fabulous Greek lemon-chicken soup.
More later! Gotta go sew! ;-)

Garden glow lights

I worked a bit in the garden last weekend putting in more solar lights on the other side of the driveway and adding a few 'art lights'. These cracked-glass globes glow at night, changing colors of the rainbow. They are beautiful! They slowly move from red to purple to blue to green then yellow and white back to red. Very even, flowing movement but very bright glow, like little fairys in my garden! It is raining so the images are a bit blury and fractured but you can see some of the colors. I got these at True Value in Ramona.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Gardening is done!

Finally, finally, finally! I got those plants in the ground that I bought last Thanksgiving! It didn't look like I had that many but when all was said and done, 96 pots were emptied.

I was sitting in my sewing room (also the computer room) enjoying my accomplishment when out of the ground popped a grrrrr...ound squirrel! Yes, he was so excited at all the new plants to eat! Couldn't stand watching him so I made up a bait trap and put it next to his hole in the ground (under my driveaway no less!). Well, haven't noticed if he's partaken of any of the bait cause I went and took a nice LONG nap. :-) I was pooped...still sick and all. Bait is from the County Ag Dept and does not have a secondary kill effect like some poisons (won't kill an animal that may eat the poisoned squirrel). It's expensive but that's why I use it.

Here's my bait trap...bait is in the center. Squirrels, rats, mice can get in, eat their fill then go away and die. Birds and larger animals can't. Ingenious! You can see some of the newly planted flowers too...daylilies, agapanthas, lavender, star jasmine, blue statice, and sea holly amongst others. I staked the trap so it wouldn't slide down the hill.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Gardening and Sunsets

I hate being sick...where this fever, coughing and sneezing jag came from I don't know but I'm not a happy camper. It's going on two weeks. On top of missing 3 days of work, when I did feel well enough to go in, my freekin car wouldn't start. Borrowed Dad's until mine is looked at and repaired on Monday.

I spent this morning positioning around 70 potted plants in the yard. Tomorrow I'll start digging them in a little at a time...still not fully well and my energy is low. It will be nice to get them planted, I bought them last Thanskgiving! The soil is damp and easy to dig so the planting will be easy too. I had my Dad's gardener come over and fix my sprinklers front and back. They work so much better now! Before the water was disappearing into the air, not much hitting the soil. Now, water is getting to where it is needed. Yeah!

Mother Nature was in her full glory again tonight. I leave you with another of her fabulous displays.