This meteor shower was touted as the best show of the year and they were not exagerating! I stepped outside around 11 pm Monday night and was privy to several meteors within a few minutes. I wasn't going to stay up, happy to have seen a few but the show kept going and so did my interest.
Around midnight there were a few larger fireballs cascading through the sky that were amazing to see. It was getting cold, on its way down to 33 degrees so I went inside. Not wanting to miss the show after seeing those fireballs I pushed my couch up into the corner window, laid on the couch with my kitty on my lap and watched the show from inside. Yes my vision was limited but I still saw quite a few meteors from the comfort of the house. Finally crashed around 2am.
Next celestial show is on Dec 20th with a total lunar eclipse around 12:30 am. Yep, I'll be up!
Very nice! We should have come up!