Sunday, May 1, 2011

Owls and Iris

Well look who's peeking out of my owl box! It's momma owl. I saw her moving around in the box last Friday and snapped a couple pictures. This one was the best!

Last night at dusk I was out watching the box. I saw the male owl swoop down the hill and make a kill. A minute or so later I hear him coming straight at me from behind the owl box carrying the rodent in his beak. As he approached the box, he swooped up, wings fully extended, extended his claws and grabbed onto the entrance, stepping inside. A minute later he exploded out of the box to hunt again. Momma owl was in the box chirping away when he left. I believe she is nesting! Hope to see owlettes in a couple weeks to a month.

My Anna Apple has set apples! This is the largest. The rest resemble the next picture...just starting to swell.

My iris have been blooming for the past month, mostly the solid deep purple, lavenders and whites. This weekend this bi-color and the pink bloomed. So pretty!

And then there's this red iris...

and a red violet

This deep purple is from my grandmother's ranch up north. They have been growing there for as Long as I can remember. I believe it is a historical iris named Amas.

And of course, last night's sunset...

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