Before my obsession with quilting, before my obsession with figs there was my obsession with iris. Last year when I first moved to my new place I planted a few iris thinned from Mom's yard. My sis also gave me some pretty iris as well. They bloomed and were beautiful, rekindling my love of them. See previous posts for pictures of last year's blooms.
Well I went a little crazy this year. I found HIPS, Historical Iris Preservation Society. I was hoping to ID some of the old iris from my grandmother's ranch. Well they had their annual iris sale last month. I didn't buy any at first but when last call came and they were only a buck, I said send me one of each variety...they did, 28 new iris added to the landscape. On their forum one of the members offered rhizomes for postage as he was thinning them out (done every 3-5 years). He sent me another 20 or so historical iris.Well this started a roll...eBay was my next stop...that was a mistake!
I like the historicals but I really love the newer hybridized iris. Some are just stunning. Between eBay and direct ordering from the likes of the Iris Patch and Iris Farmer, another 50 named iris were aquired.
Thought I was done but no...I heard my local nursery had iris on sale...they were potted, not bare root and were only a buck each...another 20 picked up. Names are unknow but they are a 'named' iris so should be pretty...peach, purple, deep yellow, bronze...
I joined the San Diego Iris Society. They had a member's iris sale today at Balboa I didn't go! I actually skipped it. I had to start planting what I have! I did get one large box planted, maybe 40 iris but these were from Mom's yard again. I still have over 100 to plant. I need to figure out an ID system so I don't loose track of the iris names. The San Diego Iris Society has a second plant sale next Sunday...
I think I am going to plant a historical iris garden seperate from the fancy, dancy iris. The fancy ones will be in the front yard, historicals in the back. I'm thinking of planting a Dykes Metal garden too...that's the award for the top iris of the year. I have several of them.
OK, so I thought I was done but I'm not. I found the reblooming iris group on facebook. I just ordered a dozen or so of them. Then there are the Spuria I want to get...someone stop me! ;-)
...and on top of the iris there's the half-bushel of daffodil bulbs I bought that are due to arrive in October. My garden next Spring should be quite spectacular...if I can keep the rabbits, squirrels and golphers at bay.