Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Brown out!

Well I never expected the electricty to go out for no reason last night! It happened around 9:30; the TV popped and went off, the ceiling fan lights dimmed to a ghostly yellow and the refer alarm went off. Wow where did that come from? Good thing I have a land-line phone so I called SDGE to report it. I was #9. They sent a couple crews out as it was a 'catastrophic failure', sounds omnious doesn't it? With an hour or more estimated repair time I went to bed with a flashlight and read for a while. Lights came back around midnight or 1am.

What was even more omnious was the morning sky. Got up around 7am and the sky looked like what I call 'earthquake weather'. The sky was an errie yellow glow. But the good thing is, there was a morning rainbow.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Last Friday I made a batch of linguica stuffing that needed to marinate for 48 hours before stuffing in hog casings. Well today is the day I stuffed the hog casings. This is my first attempt at making sausage and it was messy but fun! I have a long way to go to get the links similar in size but that will come with practice. Next up for these links is the smoker. I have a built in smoker in my BBQ. I've soaked some hickory chips and am headed to the smoker to try it for the first time! Lots of firsts this weekend!

The first casing which made the links in the picture below was made using the larger of the two stuffers. I thought it was too big so the next casing I used the smaller stuffer.

The last 3 links used the smaller stuffer. It's a better size for linguica.

So now they are off to the smoker. I have no idea how long to smoke as the directions didn't say. I'll go at least 2 hrs if not 4. I'll search the net to see if I can find a generic sausage smoking time.


edit: Here's the final smoked linguica:

It looks good, like linguica is supposed to look. The flavor was quite different than I'm used to tasting though. A bit over spiced (too many spices). I'll definately try another recipe next time. Mom is trying to remenber how Grandma made hers using sour oranges (Seville). This recipe called for sherry. Others call for red wine. Now why didn't I make that one??? ;-)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Happy April Fools!

Well today marks the one year anniversary of the purchase my home, 1 year down, 29 to go. So how do I celebrate? I'm out pulling weeds and prettying up my front hillside. I'm out spraying round up on the weeds down the hill in the back. I'm fumigating the ground squirrel tunnels as well as the gophers near my Paradiso fig tree. In other words, being a home owner. ;-) It got a bit HOT outside so I came in for a break. I'll go back out to get more done later this afternoon.

The perennials I put in a few months ago are growing well. The only setback are the daylilies. How was I supposed to know rabbits love them? Oh well. I need to get more agapanthas to take their place.

A few of the hundreds of iris I planted are throwing blooms. Can't wait for them to bloom! Most are from a garden club sale I went to last year. There were 3 flats of iris, one of white iris, one of purple, and one unknown. I bought all three. Had to be over 100 rhizomes. My sister gave me all of her iris, most of which are from Grandma's ranch. These are old world, unhybridized iris and highly sought after. Grandma's irises are the ones starting to bloom now.

My Anna apple is in bloom! This is a excellent sweet apple and I can't wait for my first bite. I was surprised to see how many blooms were on the tree. I didn't even know it had bloomed until I went out to weed.

My lemon has 20-30 small fruit set but something is eating the leaves, the orange too. I think it's snails but haven't caught the rascal yet.

The stargazer lily bulbs I planted are poking up thru the soil and the Society Garlic is blooming. The Panache fig has put on a good couple inches of growth. Love this fig! Excellent, excellent taste but needs a hot summer to ripen fruit well. My Pride of Madeira that I started from a cutting last year has doubled in size. It's a beautiful brilliant blue, stunning. I doubt it will bloom this year but next year for sure. I want to get a dark purple and a red-violet plant too.

One of my 3 lilacs had a tiny bloom but it was nice to see what the color was. It’s a pretty dark lavender color. Next year they should be beautiful.

I met my soon-to-be new neighbors today. As I was weeding they were driving by, stopped to say hello. They are building a weekend Tuscan retreat 2 properties over...they are from La Jolla. They have already put up an owl box, people after my own heart. They even have a mating pair nesting. I think I do too but it's hard to tell as there is no light on the box as I don't want to frighten them off. I do hear the male out there nightly on the box. I hear him all hours of the morning before daybreak too so I think I do have something going on. ;-)

The neighborhood is going to do a pig roast when their home is finished to celebrate. That should be good! A neighborhood Luau! I have great neighbors! I'm so lucky to be here.

Here is last night’s sunset. A bit of clouds in the sky always makes a special show.