Friday, January 21, 2011

Wolf Moon setting

It's early Friday morning on my off-Friday. Got up fed the cats and went out back to water the potted plants. That's when I saw it, the Wolf Moon setting. Up here the rising sun casts a pink glow in the western sky every morning. It's beautiful. With the first full moon of the year setting it just enhanced the experience. The link below explains the unusual moon name.

I saw the moon rise last night on my way home from work. It was stunning and seems a good 20% larger. It was quite a sight to see.

Hope you saw it too!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ramona Art Guild

I joined the Ramona Art guild tonight. Looks like a great group of people. Some even come down from Julian. The guest artist tonight was Lisa Bebi. She does collage on canvas then paints with acrylic. She also makes stamps from sticky-backed foam for imprinting on the painting. It looks pretty cool and I think I'd like to give it a try. It's fast and I need some big art for my walls. She has a blog at She also has a couple websites; and She demo'ed her technique for almost 1 1/2 hours. I think I'm going to like this guild! Next month we meet at the new Ramona library's community center.

It sure was foggy driving home though. I could hardly see the road and had to take it very slow...not like me at all. ;-)

Sunday, January 16, 2011

More work in the garden

I love to procrastinate but then most of us do! After looking at 40 or so potted plants I bought around Thanksgiving, I figured it was time to get some in the ground. I didn't get many planted, in fact only two...the black olive tree was planted on the front hill to help block the sight of the water tank and I put in one of 3 lilacs.

My trouble is trying to visualize what the yard will look like in a few years if this is planted here and that is planted there..or should I plant that here? Get my delima? I did get some Pride of Madeira cuttings from two friends but I think it was too late in the season. New growth doesn't root well, need dormant old growth but we'll see. They were put in the ground too.

I did mix up 2 gal of round-up and tackled the weeds that are starting to grow. Gotta stay on top of those babies! Also knocked down a bunch of weeds on the front hill. While there I noticed a potentially bad problem developing. Squirrels have nested under my steep driveway. With all the rain it has undermined the driveway and I'm afraid it is going to crack. I tried to push in as much dirt as I could but I think I need a contractor to advise me...I see $$$$$...ugg.

On a happier note, I got my new computer up and running using Windows 7. It sure is different than XP. Hate having to hunt around for what used to be at my fingertips though. Just to find the games was a chore!

Here's a pic of Saturday's sunset, it was a beaut!

and this one is from Friday night...glad I got off work a bit early...

Missed tonight's sunset as I took Mom grocery shopping and it took a bit longer than I expected. But she's very happy to get out of the house.


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Shooting Star!

Last night as I was pulling into my driveway around 8:30PM, I saw the most amazing sight, a blue-green shooting star that went from horizon to horizon. Well almost, I watched it break up about 3/4 of the way across the sky. It was awesome to see!

Another interesting fact of living on a gets windy! I stopped at my folks place neat Mt Woodson and it was calm but cold. When I got home, 10 miles away the wind was howling! Knocked over several potted plants it was that strong. It's fun living on the hill!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Window Scraping Complete!

Well, almost complete.
I've finished the 5' master bedroom window. The side window was previously done.

I've finished the 8' living room window:

And the 5' dining room window:


The only window that remains painted this morning is the one over the kitchen sink. I'll do that when the blood returns to my arms. ;-)
In the mean time, I'm chopping up the Christmas tree which is heading to the mulch pit. Ornaments and lights are packed away for another year.

Tomorrow, it's back to the real world and back to work...I need the rest! ;-)

edit: 11:17PM: I managed to finish scraping the kitchen window when I got back from having dinner with Mom tonight. All the windows are done! Whew, what a job but the place looks so much better!

Saturday, January 1, 2011